2010 Poster: McLendon Lions and Tigers and Bears: Investigating cues for expressive creature motion

“Lions and tigers and bears: investigating cues for expressive creature motion” by McLendon, McNamara, McLaughlin and Dwivedi

2010 Poster: Hofer Lip Synchronization by Acoustic Inversion

“Lip synchronization by acoustic inversio” by Hofer, Richmond and Berger

2010 Poster: Rasakatla “Mod Leg” A modular Legged robotic system

“”Mod-Leg” a modular legged robotic system” by Rasakatla, Indurkhya and Krishna

2010 Poster: NAKAMURA Optimization of Cloth Simulation Parameters by Considering Static and Dynamic Features

“Optimization of cloth simulation parameters by considering static and dynamic features” by Kunitomo, Morishima and Nakamura

2010 Poster: Rivera Real Time Compositing Framework for Interactive Stereo fMRI Display

“Real-time compositing framework for interactive stereo fMRI displays” by Rivera, Watten, Holroyd, Beacher, Mania, et al. …

2010 Poster: Miura Multi Level Segmentation of Dance Motion by Piecewise Regression

“Multi-level segmentation of dance motion by piecewise regression” by Miura, Mitobe, Kaiga, Yukawa, Taniguchi, et al. …

2010 Poster: Schulz Motion Scoring

“Motion scoring” by Schulz, Cicconet and Velho

2010 Poster: Federico Warping the space around an animated object

“Warping the space around an animated object” by Federico, Fagnou and Reed

2010 Poster: Mukai Spinnability Simulation of Viscoelastic Fluid

“Spinnability simulation of viscoelastic fluid” by Mukai, Kosugi, Ito and Nakagawa

2010 Poster: Li SocioCrowd: A Social Network Based Framework for Crowd Simulation

“SocioCrowd: a social-network-based framework for crowd simulation” by Le, Hsieh, Lin and Kuo

2010 Poster: Solt Artwork Evolution

“Artwork evolution” by Solt

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Digital writing ductus: a visual representation of individual writing styles” by Tauber

2010 Poster: Kim Breathe Brush

“Breathe brush” by Kim and Choi

2010 Poster: Deaton Self Assembled Art

“Self-assembled art” by Deaton

2010 Poster: Hashida Photochromic Canvas:Drawing with Patterned Light

“Photochromic canvas drawing with patterned light” by Hashida, Kakehi and Naemura

2010 Poster: Cetin Musophobia

“Musophobia” by Cetin

2010 Poster: Samancı GPS Comics: Seeing thru Walls

“GPS comics: seeing thru walls” by Samanci and Tewari

2010 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Ink-and-wash painting oriental cymbidium drawn with the tip of the fingers” by Kim and Choi

2010 Poster: Hirayama Shaboned Display: An Interactive Substantial Display Using Soap Bubbles

“Shaboned display: an interactive substantial display using soap bubbles” by Hirayama and Kakehi

2010 Poster: Trempe 24X7@PHL: Codify

“24X7@PHL: Codify” by Trempe Jr.

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