“Warping the space around an animated object” by Federico, Fagnou and Reed

  • ©Daniele Federico, Damien Fagnou, and Tom Reed

  • ©Daniele Federico, Damien Fagnou, and Tom Reed



Entry Number: 19


    Warping the space around an animated object



    The creation of animation clips and the tweaking of existing character animation is often a tedious, time-consuming task, especially in large-scale CG productions. Traditionally these tasks were achieved by animators manually changing multiple keyframe values for all the relevant animation rig controls. Starting with the idea that a single animated object (e.g. a rig control) essentially defines a time-varying curve in 3D space – where the control points are defined by the keyframe values of the translation channels – we introduce a modeling approach for deforming these conceptual 3D curves. We will talk about our current implementation based on FFDs (Free Form Deformations) as described in [Sederberg and Parry 1986], but we strongly believe the same approach can have many other usages (e.g. modeling tools, collisions and obstacle avoidance).


    Sederberg, T. W., and Parry, S. R. 1986. Free-form deformation of solid geometric models. SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph. 20, 4, 151–160. Google ScholarDigital Library
    Witkin, A., and Popović, Z. 1995. Motion warping. Computer Graphics 29, Annual Conference Series, 105–108. Google ScholarDigital Library

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