2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“The effect of using large, high-resolution stereoscopic displays for flow visualization” by Chen, Forsberg, Kostandov, Willis and Laidlaw

2007 Posters: Murakami Texturing on Patterned Cloth With Wrinkles in a 2D illustration

“Texturing on patterned cloth with wrinkles in a 2D illustration” by Murakami and Tsuruno

2007 Posters: Shimotori Interactive Shade Control for Cartoon Animation

“Interactive shade control for cartoon animation” by Shimotori, Nakajima, Sugisaki, Maejima and Morishima

2007 Posters: Reisman Facial Expression Affective State Recognition for Air Traffic Control Automation Concept Exploration

“Facial expression affective state recognition for air traffic control automation concept exploration” by Reisman and El Kaliouby

2007 Posters: Pronk Spatial Image Based Lighting

“Spatial image based lighting” by Pronk

2007 Posters: Reshetov Faster Ray Packets Triangle Intersection through Vertex Culling

“Faster ray packets – triangle intersection through vertex culling” by Reshetov

2007 Posters: NISHINO DXRenderFarm : A Xgrid based Render Farm for Maya

“DXRenderFarm: an Xgrid based render farm for Maya®” by Nishino

2007 Posters: Makino Computational Lighting Reproduction for Facial Live Video with Rigid Facial Motion

“Computational lighting reproduction for facial live video with rigid facial motion” by Makino, Tsumura, Takase, Ochiai, Ojima, et al. …

2007 Posters: Sheng Interactive Rendering of Fenestration Materials for Architectural Design

“Interactive rendering of fenestration materials for architectural design” by Sheng, Martin and Cutler

2007 Posters: Shimada Real time Rendering of Dynamic Clouds

“Real-time rendering of dynamic clouds” by Shimada, Shinya, Shiraishi and Harada

2007 Posters: McGuire Single pass Shadow Volumes for Arbitrary Meshes

“Single-pass shadow volumes for arbitrary meshes” by McGuire

2007 Poster Hall Simple Cellular Texturing for Medieval Castles 01

“Simple cellular texturing for medieval castles” by Hall and Matthews

2007 Poster Bailey Subtle Gaze Direction 01

“Subtle gaze direction” by Bailey, McNamara, Sudarsanam and Grimm

2007 Posters: Mo Interactive Backprojected Soft Shadows with an Occlusion Camera Shadow Map

“Interactive backprojected soft shadows with an occlusion camera shadow map” by Mo and Wyman

2007 Posters: Wyvill_Better Faster Noise with the GPU

“Better faster noise with the GPU”

2007 Posters: Stich Image Morphing for Space Time Interpolation

“Image morphing for space-time interpolation” by Stich and Magnor

2007 Poster Chabert Fast Rendering of Realistic Faces with Wavelength Dependent Normal Maps 01

“Fast rendering of realistic faces with wavelength dependent normal maps” by Chabert, Ma, Hawkins, Peers and Debevec

2007 Posters: Wong_Interactive Rendering of Dynamic Environment using PID Control

“Interactive rendering of dynamic environment using PID control” by Wong and Wang

2007 Posters: Langlands Noise Free BSSRDF Rendering On The Cheap

“Noise-free BSSRDF rendering on the cheap” by Langlands and Mertens

2007 Posters: Unger An Optical System for Single Image Environment Maps

“An optical system for single-image environment maps” by Unger and Gustavson

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