“DXRenderFarm: an Xgrid based render farm for Maya®” by Nishino

  • ©Hiroki Nishino




    DXRenderFarm: an Xgrid based render farm for Maya®



    DXRenderFarm is distributed rendering software for Maya® on Mac OS X, build upon Xgrid, Apple’s grid computing technology. Since it was originally developed for computer graphics courses at DXARTS, University of Washington, it mainly targets the use in the open environment where a number of the students need to share the computational resources to render their CG works and effective system administration is required, and where all those computers must be available to any user at the same time.


    1. Autodesk. Autodesk — Autodesk Maya. < http://www.autodesk.com/maya >
    2. Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat — Apache Tomcat. < http://tomcat.apache.org/ >
    3. PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL:The world’s most advanced open source database. < http://www.postgresql.org >
    4. Xgrid. Apple — Mac OS X server — Xgrid. < http://www.apple.com/acg/xgrid/ >

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