“Computational lighting reproduction for facial live video with rigid facial motion” by Makino, Tsumura, Takase, Ochiai, Ojima, et al. …

  • ©Takao Makino, Norimichi Tsumura, Koichi Takase, Keiichi Ochiai, Nobutoshi Ojima, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Yoichi Miyake, and Ryusuke Honma

  • ©Takao Makino, Norimichi Tsumura, Koichi Takase, Keiichi Ochiai, Nobutoshi Ojima, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Yoichi Miyake, and Ryusuke Honma




    Computational lighting reproduction for facial live video with rigid facial motion



    In the field of virtual studios in the television industry, the facial live video stream and background scenes must be composed in real time. One of the complex problems in this compositing is matching the lighting between the facial live video and the background scene. In this paper, we develop a practical lighting reproduction technique to reproduce the appearance of a face in the facial live video with rigid facial motion in real time under an arbitrary environmental lighting condition.


    1. Tsumura, N., Ojima, N., Sato, K., Shiraishi, M., Shimizu, H., Nabeshima, H., Akazaki, S., Hori, K., and Miyake, Y. 2003. Image-based skin color and texture analysis/synthesis by extracting hemoglobin and melanin information in the skin. ACM Transactions on Graphics 22, 3, 770–779.

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©Takao Makino, Norimichi Tsumura, Koichi Takase, Keiichi Ochiai, Nobutoshi Ojima, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Yoichi Miyake, and Ryusuke Honma ©Takao Makino, Norimichi Tsumura, Koichi Takase, Keiichi Ochiai, Nobutoshi Ojima, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Yoichi Miyake, and Ryusuke Honma

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