2017 Posters: Hashizume_Sonovortex: Rendering Multi-Resolution Aerial Haptics by Aerodynamic Vortex and Focused Ultrasound

“Sonovortex: Rendering Multi-Resolution Aerial Haptics by Aerodynamic Vortex and Focused Ultrasound” by Hashizume, Koike, Hoshi and Ochiai

2018 ETech Kim: HapCube: A Tactile Actuator Providing Tangential and Normal Pseudo-Force Feedback on a Fingertip

“HapCube: A Tactile Actuator Providing Tangential and Normal Pseudo-Force Feedback on a Fingertip” by Kim, Yi, Park and Lee

Stretchable Transducers for Kinesthetic Interactions in Virtual

“Stretchable Transducers for Kinesthetic Interactions in Virtual Reality” by Shepherd, Peele, Murray, Barreiros, Shapira, et al. …

atmoSphere: Designing Cross-Modal Music Experiences Using Spatia

“atmoSphere: Designing Cross-Modal Music Experiences Using Spatial Audio with Haptic Feedback” by Fushimi, Kato, Kamiyama, Yanagihara, Minamizawa, et al. …

2016 ETech Mehra: HapticWave: Directional Surface Vibrations using Wave-Field Synthesis

“HapticWave: Directional Surface Vibrations using Wave-Field Synthesis” by Mehra, Hohnerlein, Perek, Gatti, DeSalvo, et al. …

2018 Posters: Cao_Skin+

“Skin+” by Cao, Saraiji and Minamizawa

2019 Poster 63 Nakao_Share_Haptics

“ShareHaptics: A Modular Haptic Feedback System using Shape Memory Alloy for Mixed Reality Shared Space Applications” by Nakao, Shimizu, Santana, Kimata, Pai, et al. …

2019 Poster 60 Yamazaki_Neck Strap Haptics

“Neck Strap Haptics: An Algorithm for Non-visible VR Information Using Haptic Perception on the Neck” by Yamazaki, Hasegawa, Mitake and Shirai

2002 Poster Obushi: MagniFinger: Fingertip-mounted microscope for augmenting human perception

“MagniFinger: Fingertip-Mounted Microscope For Augmenting Human Perception” by Hiyama, Obushi, Wakisaka, Inami and Kasahara

2019 Poster 61 Shitara_Reconsideration of Ouija Board Motion

“Reconsideration of Ouija Board Motion in Terms of Haptic Illusions (IV): Effect of Haptic Cue and Another Player” by Shitara, Yem and Kajimoto

2003 Iwata: Food Simulator

“Food Simulator” by Yano, Iwata, Uemura and Moriya

AoEs: Enhancing Teleportation Experience in Immersive Environmen

“AoEs: Enhancing Teleportation Experience in Immersive Environments With Mid-Air Haptics” by Han, Hsieh, Chen, Hsiao, Lee, et al. …