“AoEs: Enhancing Teleportation Experience in Immersive Environments With Mid-Air Haptics” by Han, Hsieh, Chen, Hsiao, Lee, et al. …

  • ©Ping-Hsuan Han, Chiao-En Hsieh, Yang-Sheng Chen, Jui-Chun Hsiao, Kong-Chang Lee, Sheng-Fu Ko, Kuan-Wen Chen, Chien-Hsing Chou, and Yi-Ping Hung

  • ©Ping-Hsuan Han, Chiao-En Hsieh, Yang-Sheng Chen, Jui-Chun Hsiao, Kong-Chang Lee, Sheng-Fu Ko, Kuan-Wen Chen, Chien-Hsing Chou, and Yi-Ping Hung



E-Tech Type(s):


    To alleviate cybersickness in the immersive virtual reality (VR), teleportation is a common method of moving around in virtual spaces. Although users can receive the visual and auditory feedbacks from their first-person perspective with the advances of immersive head-mounted displays (HMD), they do not have the hapticexperience when they teleport to another environment.  Based on the immersive HMD, many research groups have shown that hapticfeedback is one of the important key to enhance the immersive experience in the virtual reality. However, to simulate the hapticfeedback from different environments e.g. desert and snow, it require many devices in the real environment to simulate the sun, airflow, humidity and temperature. In this work, our mainconcept is to provide a haptictower in the room-scale VR, which allow the game designers to enhance the player experience in the immersive environments. We present Area of Elements (AoEs), an integration device for simulating immersive environments with haptics, which can provide two kinds of virtual environments simultaneously for teleportation experience.

Other Information:


    Yang-Sheng Chen, Ping-Hsuan Han, Jui-Chun Hsiao, Kong-Chang Lee, Chiao-En

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