2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Evaluating Image Quality Metrics vs. Human Evaluation” by McNamara, Chalmers and Troscianko

2000 Talks: Strauss_Implementing the OpenGL API with Direct Rendering in Linux

“Implementing the OpenGL API with Direct Rendering in Linux” by Strauss, Paul and Martin

2000 Talks: Wyvill_Illustrating Uncertainty

“Illustrating Uncertainty” by Wyvill and Wyvill

2000 Talks: Iler_Heuristic Backface Culling of Animated Subdivision Surfaces

“Heuristic Backface Culling of Animated Subdivision Surfaces” by Akenine-Moller and Séquin

2000 Talks: Lensch_Hardware-Accelerated Silhouette Matching

“Hardware-Accelerated Silhouette Matching” by Lensch, Heidrich and Seidel

2000 Talks: Yang_A Low-Cost, Portable Light Field Capture Device

“A Low-Cost, Portable Light Field Capture Device” by Yang, Lee, Isaksen and McMillan

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Line Art Rendering Using a Modified A-Buffer” by Patel

2000 Talks: Dobashi_Interactive Rendering of Shafts of Light Using a Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering Technique

“Interactive Rendering of Shafts of Light Using a Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering Technique” by Dobashi, Okita and Nishita

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Interactive 3D Rendering on PDA Platforms” by Sherman

2000 Talks: Miyata_A Method Of Generating Pavement Textures Using The Square Packing Technique

“A Method Of Generating Pavement Textures Using The Square Packing Technique” by Miyata, Itoh and Shimada

2000 Talks: Guéziec_“Meshsweeper:” Fast Closest Point on a Polygonal Mesh

““Meshsweeper:” Fast Closest Point on a Polygonal Mesh” by Guéziec

2000 Talks: Neumann_Near Real-Time Cutting

“Near Real-Time Cutting” by Neumann

2000 Talks: Tiede_A Realistic 3D Spatial/Symbolic Model of the Visible Human

“A Realistic 3D Spatial/Symbolic Model of the Visible Human” by Tiede, Pflesser, Pommert, Riemer, Schiemann, et al. …

2000 Talks: Towle_Polytope Sections

“Polytope Sections” by Towle

2000 Talks: Wu_Robust Invisible Watermarking of Volume Data

“Robust Invisible Watermarking of Volume Data” by Wu, Guan, Kankanhalli and Zhiyong

2000 Talks: Michaels_Real-Time Painterly Rendering

“Real-Time Painterly Rendering” by Michaels, Drone, Smith and Schmidt

2000 Talks: Koh_Real-Time Human Hair Modeling and Animation

“Real-Time Human Hair Modeling and Animation” by Koh and Zhiyong

2000 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Sort-First Parallel Rendering with a Cluster of PCs” by Forte, Hall, Remagnino and Honey

2000 Talks: Johan_A Solution to Vertex Path Problem in Shape Blending by Using a Dependency Graph

“A Solution to Vertex Path Problem in Shape Blending by Using a Dependency Graph” by Johan, Koiso and Nishita

2000 Talks: Magda_Shedding Light on Image-Based Rendering

“Shedding Light on Image-Based Rendering” by Magda, Lu, Belhumeur and Kriegman

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