2003 Berry: The Augmented Composer Project: The Music Table

“The Augmented Composer Project: The Music Table” by Berry, Makino, Hikawa and Tadenuma

2003 Bamji: Electronic Perception Technology - Everyday Devices that “See”

“Electronic Perception Technology – Everyday Devices that “See”” by Bamji, Gokturk, Liu, Rafii and Spare

2003 Amaoka: +1D and NeoCubism

“+1D and NeoCubism” by Amaoka

SIGGRAPH 2003: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2003: Emerging Technologies

2003 Farhood, Pasztor: Hyperscore: A Freehand Drawing Interface for Music Composition

“Hyperscore: A Freehand Drawing Interface for Music Composition” by Farbood and Pasztor

2019 Nakamura: 360-degree Transparent Holographic Screen Display

“360-Degree Transparent Holographic Screen Display” by Nakamura, Yano, Watanabe, Ishii, Ono, et al. …

1993 Vincent: Mandala Village

“Mandala: Virtual Village” by Vincent

2019 Glauser: A Stretch-Sensing Soft Glove for Interactive Hand Pose Estimation

“A Stretch-Sensing Soft Glove for Interactive Hand Pose Estimation” by Glauser, Wu, Panozzo, Hilliges and Sorkine-Hornung

2019 Sparrman: Liquid Printed Pneumatics

“Liquid to Air: Pneumatic Objects” by Sparrman, Kernizan, Laucks, Tibbits and Guberan

SIGGRAPH Asia 2016: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH Asia 2016: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH Asia 2017:

SIGGRAPH Asia 2017:

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018:

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018:

SIGGRAPH Asia 2020:

SIGGRAPH Asia 2020:

2016 ETech Thies: Demo of Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos

“Demo of Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos” by Thies, Zollhöfer, Stamminger, Theobalt and Nießner

SIGGRAPH 2016: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2016: Emerging Technologies

Membrane AR: Varifocal, Wide Field of View Augmented Reality Dis

“Membrane AR: Varifocal, Wide-Field-of-View Augmented Reality Display from Deformable Membranes” by Dunn, Tippets, Torell, Kellnhofer, Akşit, et al. …

AoEs: Enhancing Teleportation Experience in Immersive Environmen

“AoEs: Enhancing Teleportation Experience in Immersive Environments With Mid-Air Haptics” by Han, Hsieh, Chen, Hsiao, Lee, et al. …

2017 ETech Sasaki: MetaLimbs: Multiple Arms Interaction Metamorp

“MetaLimbs: Multiple Arms Interaction Metamorphism” by Sasaki, Saraiji, Fernando, Minamizawa and Inami

SIGGRAPH 2017: Emerging Technologies

SIGGRAPH 2017: Emerging Technologies

2018 Rathinavel Steerable Application-Adaptive Near Eye Displays 01

“Steerable Application-Adaptive Near-Eye Displays” by Rathinavel, Chakravarthula, Akşit, Spjut, Boudaoud, et al. …

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