“The Augmented Composer Project: The Music Table” by Berry, Makino, Hikawa and Tadenuma
- More from SIGGRAPH 2003:
E-Tech Type(s):
- Audio and Music
- Augmented Reality
- Computer Vision
- Interfaces & HCI
Entry Number: 17
- The Augmented Composer Project: The Music Table
Project Affiliation:
- ATR Media Information Science Laboratories
Create and learn about music with augmented reality. Patterns of cards arranged on a tabletop become musical phrases. Completed phrases are stored on other cards and combined as larger patterns. Animated characters provide fun visual feedback as you edit and arrange phrases, making abstract musical structures visible and tangible.
Other Information:
KATO, H., AND BILLINGHURST, M. 1999. Marker Tracking and HMD Calibration for a Video-based Augmented Reality Conferencing System, Proc. of 2nd Int. Workshop on Augmented Reality, 85-94.
POUPYREV, I., BERRY, R., KURUMISAWA, J., NAKAO, K., BILLINGHURST, M., AIROLA, C., KATO, H., YONEZAWA, T., AND BALDWIN, L. 2000. Augmented Groove: Collaborative Jamming in Augmented Reality. In Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH’2000 Conference Abstracts and Applications 77. ACM.