“The Augmented Painting” by Fischer, Bartz and Straßer

  • ©Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, and Wolfgang Straßer

  • ©Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz, and Wolfgang Straßer



Entry Number: 02


    The Augmented Painting



    The Augmented Painting is an interactive tabletop augmented reality setup consisting of a computer, a webcam, and an observed area containing several background objects. As well, a special blackand- white marker pattern for camera tracking is placed in the observed scene. The user can interactively manipulate the placement of the camera and the objects. The user can also add or remove objects. An augmented version of the observed scene with added virtual graphical models is shown on the computer monitor. The virtual objects are rendered with correct spatial alignment relative to the tracking marker. However, unlike in conventional augmented reality, the output image is a stylized version of the observed scene. Both the real camera image and the virtual models are shown in the same artistic or illustrative style. It is possible to choose between three different types of stylization; a cartoon-like style made up of colored patches and silhouettes, a painterly style consisting of small brush strokes recreating the pointillism style of painting, and a black-and-white technical illustration style (the first two styles are demonstrated in Fig. 1). All of these stylized augmented video streams are rendered in real-time, providing a truly interactive user experience. As a result of the stylization, virtual and real parts of the augmented image are difficult to distinguish. The integrated digital “still life” or “augmented painting” created provides a novel experience of an augmented environment and digital art for the observer.

Other Information:


    FISCHER, J., BARTZ, D., AND STRASSER, W. 2005. Stylized Augmented Reality for Improved Immersion. In Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality, 195–202.


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