SIGGRAPH 2014: Acting in Translation



Art Show Overview:

In the sea of ever-changing conditions of multiple realities, there is no single or homogenous approach, but a diversity of resisting mechanisms and artistic strategies. Therefore, translation, as a term and as a tool, generates plenty of potential fields for art production in disconnected trajectories. Furthermore, these fields have the capability to cover and merge with other fields of knowledge. Translation indicates a detached and forward movement from the source. It is also a freeing act, which paradoxically contains a burden of responsibility for the source. Therefore, this movement has limits and fine borderlines, yet it could designate “more” than the source. Translation is a call for other realities and also another way to see other realities. Translation can also blend “fact” with fiction by blurring the difference between them. In this vein, translation as a term could be interpreted in multiple ways on different layers of perception. While this term indicates a mechanical act, it may also refer to global and local societal developments such as resistance movements, alternative economies, information leaks, migration flows, and mobility.

Works in the Art Gallery have several common approaches and angles. While some of them position the viewer as the witness of what the work is, criticizes, and/or processes, others encourage the viewer to be part of their content through interactive approaches. Some works inhabit experiences with different media and formats, while some produce inquiries about technological developments and their political, ideological, cultural, and economic implications.



Exhibition Artworks: