Hans Dehlinger: S0_1084-1

  • ©2004, Hans E. Dehlinger





Creation Year:



    Plotter drawing, gel pen on paper


    50 centimeters x 60 centimeters


Technical Information:

    Starting with a photograph of the bark of a tree, an image from nature is transformed over and over again. It is a bag of data, which is hitchhiking along a chain of processes, getting a lift from many readily available programs and changing in every one of these steps. The result is not an intentionally designed image but a drawing, which is declared finished after an arbitrary sequence of transformations. The goal is not to arrive in some preconceived location but to travel and find something. The emphasis is on finding, catching, grabbing as opposed to deliberate or algorithmic generation. After each step, the system decides whether to trigger another transformation with totally uncertain outcome. I see the idea of “synaesthesia” in this process of transformations. Each one represents a concept that is imprinted onto the image. The image is accumulating and
    absorbing all these changes and mutates into something new.
    But the artist decides if it is allowed to survive.