Hans E. Dehlinger: Excerpts from the 1999 War Refugees Counting Table

  • ©1999, Hans E. Dehlinger

  • ©1999, Hans E. Dehlinger



    Excerpts from the 1999 War Refugees Counting Table


Creation Year:



    Plotterdrawing on paper, pencil version


Artist Statement:

    The triptichon is visualizing the 800,000 Kosovo war refugees by representing each one with an individually generated line, consisting of five line-segments. The figure of 800,000 is a conservative estimate, published in the German newspaper Die Zeit. The triptichon may be seen as an interpretation of the SIGGRAPH 2001 Art Gallery theme, “N-Space,” where the dimension of the space I refer to, is the space of “social consciousness.”

    It reminds us of the impact of war, as we look into the faces of the affected – individual human beings, suffering and deprived, displaced from their homes and cast into the void.

    The “counting table” at large is an open-ended listing, a metaphor for meditating about humanity.

Other Information:

    Detail. (bottom)