Bob Kuehne
Bob Kuehne is a Member of Technical Staff at SGI. He currently assists software developers and vendors in the CAD/CAE industries in developing products to most effectively utilize the underlying hardware. His interests include object-oriented graphics toolkits, software design methodologies, creative use of graphics hardware, and human/computer interaction techniques. Prior to joining SGI, he worked for Deneb Robotics developing software for virtual reality applications. Bob received his BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University and performed research on assembly techniques in virtual environments.
Course Organizer:
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Courses]
Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques Organizer(s): [Shreiner]
Presenter(s): [Shreiner] [Grantham] [Kuehne] [True]
Entry No.: [16]
Type: [Courses]
Performance OpenGL: Platform Independent Techniques Organizer(s): [Shreiner]
Presenter(s): [Shreiner] [Commike] [Grantham] [Kuehne]
Entry No.: [26]