Tomás Laurenzo

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  • Uruguay, Eastern Republic of



  • SIGGRAPH 2019

    Tomás Laurenzo is an artist and academic who works with both physical and digital media, exploring meaning, power and politics. With a background in both computer science and art, Laurenzo’s work spans across different practices and interests, including new media art, HCI, machine learning, and VR. His artistic production includes installations, music, performance, and digital lutherie. His artworks and performances have been shown globally. He is assistant professor at the School of Creative Media. City University of Hong Kong.

    SIGGRAPH 2018

    Tomás Laurenzo is an artist, academic, and researcher working with physical and digital media exploring the artistic construction of meaning and its relationship with representation, power, and politics. With a background in both computer science and art, his work spans across different practices and interests, including Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Physical Computing and Tangible Media, and Virtual Reality. His artistic production is also diverse, including installations, interactive art, music, live cinema, and digital lutherie. His artworks and performances have been shown in the five continents. Since 2014, he is Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. Laurenzo has also performed artistic and academic activities in several institutions including The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Microsoft Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Brunel University, and INRIA, among others. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the PEDECIBA Program.

Art Paper(s):


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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