SIGGRAPH Asia 2019: Deep Dreaming
Art Show Overview:
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Art Gallery will showcase your works in two parts:
Deep Dreaming (histories): a curated show of media artists, pioneers from the art/sciences that have wrought new visions of art through algorithmic methods.
Deep Dreaming (futures): a call for art work submissions that address Deep Dreaming, (re)imagining the future technology-based artistic practices.
Exhibition Artworks:
Algorithmic Analysis and Visualization of Motion in Cinema
Artist(s): [Rodriguez]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Animation & Video]
Anathema / Anatema
Artist(s): [Echeverry]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [3D & Sculpture]
Captured by an Algorithm
Artist(s): [Brueckner]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Animation & Video]
Artist(s): [Mizuochi]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Interactive & Monitor-Based]
Artist(s): [Wright and Howden]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Dream Clanger
Artist(s): [Pailthorpe, Howden, Healy, and Gretton]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Animation & Video]
Fifty Sisters
Artist(s): [McCormack]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [InstallationPerformance]
Illusion: you can hear, but you can't see.
Artist(s): [Kang]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [InstallationInteractive & Monitor-Based]
Instababy Generator
Artist(s): [Kusano and Yamaoka]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [InstallationInteractive & Monitor-Based]
LightWing II
Artist(s): [Rieger and Liu]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Machine Hallucinations - Latent Study II
Artist(s): [Anadol]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Interactive & Monitor-Based]
Metascape: Villers Bretonneux
Artist(s): [Yip]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Interactive & Monitor-Based]
Artist(s): [Lee]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [3D & Sculpture]
Political Crystals: Algorithmic Strategies for Data Visualization
Artist(s): [Ribeiro and Rocha]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [InstallationInteractive & Monitor-Based]
Artist(s): [Laurenzo]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [InstallationInteractive & Monitor-Based]
Artist(s): [Del Favero and Bednarz]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]
Type: [Interactive & Monitor-Based]
Tactile Microcosm of ALife
Artist(s): [Ohshima]
[SIGGRAPH Asia 2019]