Tobias Klein

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • City University of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media, Associate Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Nanographics


  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong



  • Tobias Klein, born 1979 in Bonn, is a German architect, artist and cultural agitator – a creator-craftsman that finally has the chance to overcome the fifteen- and sixteenth-century schism of intellectual from manual labour, as well as the nineteenth-century gulf between automatic mechanization and poetic creation.

    Tobias Klein is an Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. His work and research articulate a syncretism of contemporary CAD/CAM technologies with site  and culturally-specific design narratives, intuitive non-linear design processes, and historical cultural references, forming the emerging discipline of Digital Craftsmanship. His works are exhibited internationally at London Science Museum, V&A, The Venice Biennale of Architecture, Science Gallery (Melbourne), Bellevue Arts Museum, MoCA Taipei, Museum of Moscow, and Museum of Vancouver, and are in the permanent collection of China’s first 3D Print Museum in Shanghai.

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