Silvia Biasotti

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI), Researcher


  • SIGGRAPH 2012

    Silvia Biasotti is a researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, Research Unit of Genoa, where she works in the Shape Modelling group. She got a Laurea degree in Mathematics in September 1998 from the University of Genova; in May 2004 she got a a PhD in Mathematics and Applications and in April 2008 a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, both from the University of Genoa. She authored more than 80 scientific peer-reviewed contributions, is a member of the editorial board of ISRN Machine Vision and served in the programme committee of SMI06-SMI11. Her research interests include the study of topological-geometrical descriptions of 2D and 3D models and the development of geometric reasoning techniques for the extraction of shape features from discrete surface models. In the last years, her research interests concerned computational topology techniques for the analysis and structuring of geometric information in any dimension, and shape similarity based on similarity between structures. She is also the proponent and leader of the CNR activity Topology and Homology for analysing digital shapes and teaches the Master course Methods of analysis of discrete surfaces and their applications at the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Genoa.  

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