Patric D. Prince

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • California State University, Independent Curator


  • San Diego, California, United States of America


  • [1942-2021] Patric Prince is an art historian and theorist specializing in the history of computer art. In addition to teaching at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York; California State University, Los Angeles; and West Coast University, Los Angeles, she has curated new media art exhibitions since the early 1980s. Prince has authored an archive CD-ROM compilation of images documenting past SIGGRAPH art exhibitions between 1981 and 1990. Prince was a co-director and founder of CyberSpace Gallery in West Hollywood and she organized the SIGGRAPH Traveling Art Show from 1989-1996. She has archived an extensive collection of early materials relating to art and technology and is currently an outside consultant for CACHe, Critical and Archival Histories of the Electronic Arts.

    Over a period of years Patric amassed one of the most extensive collections of computer art, consisting of around 200 original art works, and a substantial archive charting the rise of computer-generated arts. The archive includes Patric’s correspondence with artists, conference papers, exhibitions cards and catalogues, and a library of books on the field of computer art and computer graphics. The Patric Prince Collection is at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, England.

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Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Traveling Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Art Paper(s):

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