Neil Eskuri

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  • SIGGRAPH 1995

    Neil Eskuri began his career in CGI in 1982, working at Robert Abel and Associates as a modeler and animator for several award winning commercials, such as the Benson and Hedges “Gold” series, Hawaiian Punch’s “Chain Reaction” and Olympic Stain. In 1988, Neil went to work for Metrolight Studios. There, he helped animate several noted projects including ABC’s “World of Discovery,” AMC’s “Feature Presentation” (the first to introduce the Clip character), and the feature ”Total Recall.” After leaving Metrolight in 1991, Neil worked on the morphing animation of Michael Jackson’s “Black and White” video at PDI, and several commercial characters at Rhythm and Hues. When Sony Pictures began its visual effects department, Neil began working there, doing effects animation for feature films such as ”The Last Action Hero,” “My Life,” and ”Tall Tale.” After two years, Neil moved to Disney Feature Animation, where he has been working as animation lead on the crew for one of the sequences in the upcoming “Fantasia Continued.” 

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