“Tricks of the Trade: Computer Graphics Productions” by Weil, Eskuri, Kopra, McLaughlin and White

  • ©Jerry Weil, Neil Eskuri, Andy Kopra, John McLaughlin, and Kathy White



Entry Number: 05


    Tricks of the Trade: Computer Graphics Productions

Course Organizer(s):



    This course is intended to aid those involved in the field of computer graphics production to become more productive and more efficient in their daily work environment. There are a myriad of little tricks and lessons which people learn through years of working in a production environment; there is quite often a reinventing of the wheel process which takes place with each person as they enter the field and discover many of these tidbits for themselves. This course is designed to cut through much of that process by offering as much of this information as possible in the course notes and in the presentations by the various speakers. The speakers represent a wide spectrum of production environments within the entertainment field, so that a variety of ideas and methodologies will be presented.  


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: