Leo Nuñez

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  • Leo Nuñez is a professor at the National University of Tres de Febrero in the MFA and BFA programs in Electronic Art, and cofounder and director of Espacio Nixso, an educational and collaborative workspace in Buenos Aires for the promotion of technological knowledge to artists, art schools, and children. Nuñez has received numerous awards and honors for his work, such as the MAMBA/Fundación Telefónica award, the Argentinian National Salon award in new technology, and the VIDA 10.0 and VIDA 12.0 from Telefónica in Spain. He has been a scholar at the Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires and at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media at the University of Washington. His work has been exhibited in
    group and solo shows in Madrid, St. Petersburg, Washington D.C., São Paulo, Rosario, Los Angeles, Seattle, Buenos Aires, Lima, Bogotá, and other cities.



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