Keith Brown

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  • Manchester, England, United Kingdom


  • Keith Brown is one of the foremost digital sculptors currently working in Europe. He has made regular representations at an international level as a contributor to, and organiser of, symposia and exhibitions in electronic and digital art. Recently exhibiting in China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, Turkey, USA, South Africa, Senegal, France, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Austria and the UK, he has gained international acclaim as a pioneer and leader in his field. Recent venues include the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2002, 2003 & 2005 London; SIGGRAPH Art Gallery 2003, 2004 & 2006; 5th Beijing International Art Biennale, National Art Museum of China 2011; Agents of the 3D Revolution, University of Johannesburg Gallery, South Africa 2013; TCT + Personalise, NEC, Birmingham; World Design Capital 2014 V&A Waterfront Gallery, Cape Town SA; Irish Design, Dublin Castle, Ireland 2015; CES 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; Solid Works World 2016, Dallas, Texas, USA.

    As Founder and President of Fast-uk, Fine Art Sculpture & Technology in the UK, 1998, he has done much to encourage and support digital art at a national, and international level, with assistance from the Arts Council of England, Manchester City Council, and MIRIAD.

    A postgraduate student at the Royal College of Art 1972-75, for the past thirty years he has directed his research and practice from within the digital arena. His work embraces a wide range of digital media, including, 2D, 3D, 4D, time-based installation and video animation.

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