Jim Clark

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc


  • SIGGRAHP 1992

    Jim Clark, Chairman, founded Silicon Graphics, Inc. in 1981. Silicon Graphics designs, manufactures, markets, and services high performance 3D computers which are used by engineers, scientists, and creative professionals for conceptual design, analysis, and simulation of 3D objects and phenomena. The Company’s systems are currently used in applications such as mechanical computer-aided engineering, animation, visual simulation, and various scientific applications including molecular modeling and computational fluid dynamics.

    He has worked as a systems programmer, a consultant, and a professor of computer science. For three years he was an associate professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University, where he led the VLSI research team that developed the Geometry Engine. Clark holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Utah and M.S. degree in physics from the University of New Orleans.

    Clark has lectured extensively at universities and conferences worldwide, sharing his experience and insight in technology, leadership, and business development.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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