Harry Mott

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Otis College of Art and Design, Digital Media Department


  • SIGGRAPH 2006

    Harry Mott

    Founding Chair of the Digital Media Department at Otis College of Art and Design

    Harry Mott is an educator, designer and producer who has the distinction of being the first Education Director for the American Film Institute’s Advanced Technology Division. In addition to his work as an educator, Harry owns Mott 4 Productions which produces motion graphics, broadcast design, web design, and provides general creative consulting. Harry holds a MFA/MBA as a graduate of the first Peter Stark Motion Picture Producers Program at USC.

    SIGGRAPH 2003

    Harry Mott, Chair of the Digital Media Department, was hired by Otis College of Design to design and develop the department that has become one of the most successful in the history of the college. Starting from scratch, Harry has built a program that has garnered numerous awards, including multiple BDA awards. Prior to Otis, Harry was Education Director of the Advanced Technology Department at the American Film Institute, where he built the curriculum for one of the first digital media programs at any film school in the country. He is also founding Chair for DV Expo. He has been a panel host and speaker at NAB, MacWorld and many other digital and creative conferences. He is also the proud owner of Mott 4 Productions which does motion graphics, broadcast design, web design, and general consulting.

    “As educators for Visual Effects we prepare our students not only with the technical skills, but also in other very important areas: people skills and art, design and storytelling skills. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of going to school, as opposed to just jumping into the workforce.”

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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