Enrico Gobbetti

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • CRS4, _Director


  • SIGGRAPH 2020

    Enrico Gobbetti is the director of Visual Computing (ViC)  and Data-Intensive Computing (DiC) at the Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia (CRS4),  Italy. He holds an Engineering degree (1989) and a Ph.D. degree (1993) in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal  Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Prior to joining CRS4, he held research and/or teaching positions at EPFL,  University of Maryland, and NASA. His main research interests span many areas of visual and distributed computing,  with emphasis on scalable technology for acquisition, storage, processing, distribution, and interactive exploration of  complex objects and environments. Systems based on these  technologies have been used in as diverse real-world applications as internet geoviewing, scientific data analysis,  surgical training, and cultural heritage study and dissemination. Enrico has (co-)authored over 200 papers, eight of which  received best paper awards. He regularly serves the scientific  community through participation in editorial boards, conference committes, and working groups, as well as through  the organization and chairing of conferences. He is a Fellow of Eurographics.  

    SIGGRAPH 2008

    Enrico Gobbetti is the director of the Advanced Computing and Communications Program and of the Visual Computing group at the CRS4 research center in Italy. He holds an Engineering degree (1989) and a Ph.D. degree (1993) in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Prior to joining CRS4, he held research and teaching positions at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and the NASA Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences. At CRS4, Enrico developed and managed a research program supported through industrial and government grants. His research spans many areas of computer graphics and is widely published in major journals and conferences. He regularly serves as program committee member or reviewer for international conferences and journals and is currently Associate Editor of Computer Graphics Forum. Technologies developed by his group have found practical use in as diverse real-world applications as internet geoviewing, scientific data analysis, and surgical training.


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