Elizabeth M. Wenzel

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • NASA AMES Research Center, Research Psychologist


  • SIGGRAPH1995

    Beth Wenzel received a PhD in cognitive psychology with an emphasis in psychoacoustics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1984. From 1985-1986 she was a National Research Council post-doctoral research associate at NASA-Ames Research Center working on the auditory display of information for aviation systems. Since 1986 she has been Director of the Spatial Auditory Displays Lab in the Aerospace Human Factors Research Division at NASA-Ames, directing development of real-time display technology and conducting basic and applied research in auditory perception and localization in three-dimensional virtual acoustic displays. Dr. Wenzel is an Associate Editor of the Journal Presence and has published a number of articles and spoken at many conferences on the topic of virtual acoustic environments.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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