Alyce Kaprow

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Architecture Machine Group

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • The New Studio


  • SIGGRAPH 1991

    Alyce Kaprow, president of THE•NEW•STUDIO, is a consultant to developers and users of computer graphics, and in graphic interface design; and an illustrator and graphic designer. Her recent activities concentrate in computer graphics applications and equipment for graphic designers/artists and print production specialists; in system design specification and user interface for graphic workstations; multimedia; and in graphic interface design for non-graphic design-based systems. She has also been active in commercial illustration using computer graphics. She has worked as a designer for private industry, government and education; as a professional photographer; and has taught photography, design media technology and computer graphics for the past nineteen years. She was the Technical Panels Chair for the 1990 SIGGRAPH Conference, the annual premier international conference on computer graphics and interactive technologies.

    Ms Kaprow has lectured extensively at many conferences and workshops throughout the USA, Canada and Europe on computer graphics in the professional design/art studio and the state-of-the-art in electronic media in photography and graphic design; and is a contributing editor to various publications, including Pre-Magazine, Magazine Design & Production, National Association of Desktop Publishers Journal, and the Davis Review.

    Ms Kaprow’s design, photography, and illustration have appeared in numerous shows and publications both nationally and internationally; and has written on a wide range of subjects within the art/design-computer graphics applications areas.

    Ms Kaprow received a BFA in Design from Syracuse University, an MFA in Photography from the California Institute of the Arts, and Certificate Degrees from the Agfa-Gevaret Technikum and the Linhof Institute, both in Munich, Germany. She has done post-graduate research in computer graphics and media technologies at the Visible Language Workshop, MIT on the requirements of a designer’s workstation and the use of color in a “personal palette system” on computers.  

Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Course Organizer:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:


Learning Category: Presentation(s):

Learning Category: Moderator:


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