Rob Myers

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc, Plasmatic Arts


  • SIGGRAPH 1991

    Rob Myers is design lead for the User Interface Team at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. His role is to incorporate full color, photo-realism, animation, real-time 3D interaction, and multi-media techniques into the baseline user environment for personal workstations.

    His interest in live, experiential environments has been explored in “Plasm”; a series of interactive art installations (SIGGRAPH ’85, ’86, ’88 Art Shows). These on-line simulations feature self-motivated artificial life forms which never have to be prodded into conducting their on-screen affairs. In the course of their involvement, viewers become participants in shaping these virtual ecologies.

    Myers’ background includes 23 years of commercial graphic design experience in print, slide, film, video, and computer graphic media. He received his B S in Architecture from the University of Southern California.  




Experience Category Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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