Alice Mansell

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Technical University of British Columbia


  • SIGGRAPH 2001

    Alice Mansell is vice president, academic at Canada’s newest university, the Technical University of British Columbia. TechBC’s mandate is to provide advanced education and research in applied and technological fields and to make a significant contribution to the economic development of the province. Its initial program areas include Information Technology, Management and Technology, and Interactive Arts.

    At TechBC, Mansell has led development of new programs, integration in defining innovations in pedagogy in the online learning environment, and definition of new research and program directions in Interactive Arts and beyond. She has long advocated exploration of a fusion of arts, science, technology, design, and management, and the opportunities that success in those integrations can bring to the business and cultural arenas. Her current research interests include interactive learning and its relationship to personal narrative in art-based electronic commerce models. She served as president of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, where she led collaborations among government, education, and industry partners in development of new-media education and research initiatives. She was professor and chair of the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Western Ontario and a faculty member in the Department of Art at the University of Calgary, where she led development of interdisciplinary studies in gender and the arts in Canada.

    Mansell continues to pursue an active studio practice in the visual arts. She enjoys an international reputation as an artist and lecturer in contemporary art theory and art education. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of CANARIE and serves on its Learning Advisory and Content Committees. She is an active member of the Surrey Public Art Advisory Committee and in 1996 was selected as Women of the Year (Education & Research) in Halifax. She was born in Alberta and holds degrees from the University of Calgary and the University of British Columbia.

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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