“Mixed Reality: Where Real and Virtual Worlds Meet” Moderated by Steven K. Feiner

  • ©Henry Fuchs, Takeo Kanade, Gudrun Klinker, Paul Milgram, and Hideyuki Tamura



Entry Number: 16


    Mixed Reality: Where Real and Virtual Worlds Meet




    Ever since Ivan Sutherland’s development of the first head-tracked, see-through, head-mounted graphics display, researchers have been exploring the mixture of real and virtual objects. On one end of the spectrum is the real world itself — seen, heard, and felt without any virtual intervention. On the other end is the fully synthesized virtual world — theoretically a replacement for the real world, experienced through computer displays. This panel addressed some of the many ways in which virtual and real worlds are being combined in computer user interfaces to create “mixed reality.” Topics ranged from augmented reality to augmented virtuality

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