“Generalized biped walking control” by Coros, Beaudoin and Panne

  • ©Stelian Coros, Philippe Beaudoin, and Michiel van de Panne




    Generalized biped walking control



    We present a control strategy for physically-simulated walking motions that generalizes well across gait parameters, motion styles, character proportions, and a variety of skills. The control is realtime, requires no character-specific or motion-specific tuning, is robust to disturbances, and is simple to compute. The method works by integrating tracking, using proportional-derivative control; foot placement, using an inverted pendulum model; and adjustments for gravity and velocity errors, using Jacobian transpose control. High-level gait parameters allow for forwards-and-backwards walking, various walking speeds, turns, walk-to-stop, idling, and stop-to-walk behaviors. Character proportions and motion styles can be authored interactively, with edits resulting in the instant realization of a suitable controller. The control is further shown to generalize across a variety of walking-related skills, including picking up objects placed at any height, lifting and walking with heavy crates, pushing and pulling crates, stepping over obstacles, ducking under obstacles, and climbing steps.


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