2007 Technical Paper: Guennebaud_Algebraic Point Set Surfaces

“Algebraic point set surfaces” by Guennebaud and Gross

2007 Technical Paper: Kautz_Interactive Editing and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Functions

“Interactive editing and modeling of bidirectional texture functions” by Kautz, Boulos and Durand

2007 Technical Paper: Pottmann_Geometry of Multi-layer Freeform Structures for Architecture

“Geometry of multi-layer freeform structures for architecture” by Pottmann, Liu, Wallner, Bobenko and Wang

2007 Technical Paper: Labelle_Isosurface Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshes with Good Dihedral Angles

“Isosurface stuffing: fast tetrahedral meshes with good dihedral angles” by Labelle and Shewchuk

2007 Technical Paper: Frisvad_Computing the Scattering Properties of Participating Media Using Lorenz-Mie Theory

“Computing the scattering properties of participating media using Lorenz-Mie theory” by Frisvad, Christensen and Jensen

2007 Technical Paper: Ihrke_Eikonal Rendering: Efficient Light Transport in Refractive Objects

“Eikonal rendering: efficient light transport in refractive objects” by Ihrke, Ziegler, Tevs, Theobalt, Magnor, et al. …

2007 Technical Paper: Mahajan_A Theory of Locally Low Dimensional Light Transport

“A theory of locally low dimensional light transport” by Mahajan, Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Ramamoorthi and Belhumeur

2007 Technical Paper: Mullen_A Variational Approach to Eulerian Geometry Processing

“A variational approach to Eulerian geometry processing” by Mullen, McKenzie, Tong and Desbrun

2007 Technical Paper: Kilian_Geometric Modeling in Shape Space

“Geometric modeling in shape space” by Kilian, Mitra and Pottmann

2007 Technical Paper: Pascucci_Robust On-line Computation of Reeb Graphs: Simplicity and Speed∗

“Robust on-line computation of Reeb graphs: simplicity and speed” by Pascucci, Scorzelli, Bremer and Mascarenhas

2007 Technical Paper: Mitra_Symmetrization

“Symmetrization” by Mitra, Guibas and Pauly

2007 Technical Paper: Dachsbacher_Implicit Visibility and Antiradiance for Interactive Global Illumination

“Implicit visibility and antiradiance for interactive global illumination” by Dachsbacher, Stamminger, Drettakis and Durand

2007 Technical Paper: Moreno-Noguer_Active Refocusing of Images and Videos

“Active refocusing of images and videos” by Moreno-Noguer, Belhumeur and Nayar

2007 Technical Paper: Baran_Automatic Rigging and Animation of 3D Characters

“Automatic rigging and animation of 3D characters” by Baran and Popović

2007 Technical Paper: Wu_ShapePalettes: Interactive Normal Transfer via Sketching

“ShapePalettes: interactive normal transfer via sketching” by Wu, Tang, Brown and Shum

2007 Technical Paper: Wang_Real-Time Enveloping with Rotational Regression

“Real-time enveloping with rotational regression” by Wang, Pulli and Popović

2007 Technical Paper: Mori_Plushie: An Interactive Design System for Plush Toys

“Plushie: an interactive design system for plush toys” by Mori and Igarashi

2007 Technical Paper: Joshi_Harmonic Coordinates for Character Articulation

“Harmonic coordinates for character articulation” by Joshi, Meyer, DeRose, Green and Sanocki

2007 Technical Paper: Bridson_Curl-Noise for Procedural Fluid Flow

“Curl-noise for procedural fluid flow” by Bridson, Houriham and Nordenstam

2007 Technical Paper: Green_Multi-Aperture Photography

“Multi-aperture photography” by Green, Sun, Matusik and Durand

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