1999 Technical Paper: Stark_Computing Exact Shadow Irradiance Using Splines

“Computing exact shadow irradiance using splines” by Stark, Cohen, Lyche and Riesenfeld

1999 Technical Paper: Greenhalgh_Creating a Live Broadcast from a Virtual Environment

“Creating a live broadcast from a virtual environment” by Greenhalgh, Bowers, Walker, Wyver, Benford, et al. …

1999 Technical Paper: Ostromoukhov_Multi-Color and Artistic Dithering

“Multi-color and artistic dithering” by Ostromoukhov and Hersch

1999 Technical Paper: Lee_Multiresolution Mesh Morphing

“Multiresolution mesh morphing” by Lee, Dobkin, Sweldens and Schroeder

1999 Technical Paper: Guskov_Multiresolution Signal Processing for Meshes

“Multiresolution signal processing for meshes” by Guskov, Sweldens and Schroeder

1999 Technical Paper: Blanz_A Morphable Model For The Synthesis Of 3D Faces

“A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces” by Blanz and Vetter

1999 Technical Paper: Dorsey_Modeling and Rendering of Weathered Stone

“Modeling and rendering of weathered stone” by Dorsey, Edelman, Jensen, Legakis and Pedersen

1999 Technical Paper: Chang_LDI Tree: A Hierarchical Representation for Image-Based Rendering

“LDI tree: a hierarchical representation for image-based rendering” by Chang, Bishop and Lastra

1999 Technical Paper: Tumblin_LCIS: A Boundary Hierarchy For Detail-Preserving Contrast Reduction

“LCIS: a boundary hierarchy for detail-preserving contrast reduction” by Tumblin and Turk

1999 Technical Paper: Yu_Inverse Global Illumination: Recovering Reflectance Models of Real Scenes from Photographs

“Inverse global illumination: recovering reflectance models of real scenes from photographs” by Yu, Debevec, Malik and Hawkins

1999 Technical Paper: Levin_Interpolating Nets Of Curves By Smooth Subdivision Surfaces

“Interpolating nets of curves by smooth subdivision surfaces” by Levin

1999 Technical Paper: Desbrun_Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes using Diffusion and Curvature Flow

“Implicit fairing of irregular meshes using diffusion and curvature flow” by Desbrun, Meyer, Schröder and Barr

1999 Technical Paper: O’Brien_Graphical Modeling and Animation of Brittle Fracture

“Graphical modeling and animation of brittle fracture” by O’Brien and Hodgins

1999 Technical Paper: McCormack_Feline: Fast Elliptical Lines for Anisotropic Texture Mapping

“Feline: fast elliptical lines for anisotropic texture mapping” by McCormack, Perry, Farkas and Jouppi

1999 Technical Paper: Neyret_Pattern-Based Texturing Revisited

“Pattern-based texturing revisited” by Neyret and Cani

1999 Technical Paper: Zongker_Environment Matting and Compositing

“Environment matting and compositing” by Zongker, Werner, Curless and Salesin

1999 Technical Paper: Underkoffler_Emancipated Pixels: Real-World Graphics In The Luminous Room

“Emancipated pixels: real-world graphics in the luminous room” by Underkoffler, Ullmer and Ishii

1999 Technical Paper: Hart_Direct Illumination with Lazy Visibility Evaluation

“Direct illumination with lazy visibility evaluation” by Hart, Dutré and Greenberg

1999 Technical Paper: Ostromoukhov_Digital Facial Engraving

“Digital facial engraving” by Ostromoukhov

1999 Technical Paper: Stam_Diffraction Shaders

“Diffraction shaders” by Stam

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