“Pattern-based texturing revisited” by Neyret and Cani

  • ©Fabrice Neyret and Marie-Paule Cani




    Pattern-based texturing revisited



    We present a texturing method that correctly maps homogeneous non-periodic textures to arbitrary surfaces without any of the difficulties usually encountered using existing tools. Our technique requires little redundant designer work, has low time and memory costs during rendering and provides high texture resolution. The idea is simple: a few triangular texture samples, which obey specific boundary conditions, are chosen from the desired pattern and mapped in a non-periodic fashion onto the surface. Our mapping algorithm enables us to freely tune the scale of the texture with respect to the object’s geometry, while minimizing distortions. Moreover, it yields singularity-free texturing whatever the topology of the object. The sets of texture samples may be created interactively from pictures or drawings. We also provide two alternative methods for automatically generating them, defined as extensions of Perlin’s and Worley’s procedural texture synthesis techniques. As our results show, the method produces textured objects that look reasonable from any viewpoint and can be used in real-time applications.


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