2022 Technical Paper: Grittmann_Efficiency-aware multiple importance sampling for bidirectional rendering algorithms

“Efficiency-aware multiple importance sampling for bidirectional rendering algorithms” by Grittmann, Yazici, Georgiev and Slusallek

2022 Technical Paper: Matveev_DEF: deep estimation of sharp geometric features in 3D shapes

“DEF: deep estimation of sharp geometric features in 3D shapes” by Matveev, Rakhimov, Artemov, Bobrovskikh, Egiazarian, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Sharp_Spelunking the deep: guaranteed queries on general neural implicit surfaces via range analysis

“Spelunking the deep: guaranteed queries on general neural implicit surfaces via range analysis” by Sharp and Jacobson

2022 Technical Paper: Hertz_SPAGHETTI: editing implicit shapes through part aware generation

“SPAGHETTI: editing implicit shapes through part aware generation” by Hertz, Perel, Giryes, Sorkine-Hornung and Cohen-Or

2022 Technical Paper: Wiersma_DeltaConv: anisotropic operators for geometric deep learning on point clouds

“DeltaConv: anisotropic operators for geometric deep learning on point clouds” by Wiersma, Nasikun, Eisemann and Hildebrandt

2022 Technical Paper: Chen_Neural dual contouring

“Neural dual contouring” by Chen, Tagliasacchi, Funkhouser and Zhang

2022 Technical Paper: Wang_Dual octree graph networks for learning adaptive volumetric shape representations

“Dual octree graph networks for learning adaptive volumetric shape representations” by Wang, Liu and Tong

2022 Technical Paper: Müller_Instant neural graphics primitives with a multiresolution hash encoding

“Instant neural graphics primitives with a multiresolution hash encoding” by Müller, Evans, Schied and Keller

2022 Technical Paper: Yang_Neural rendering in a room: amodal 3D understanding and free-viewpoint rendering for the closed scene composed of pre-captured objects

“Neural rendering in a room: amodal 3D understanding and free-viewpoint rendering for the closed scene composed of pre-captured objects” by Yang, Zhang, Li, Cui, Fanello, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Jang_Egocentric scene reconstruction from an omnidirectional video

“Egocentric scene reconstruction from an omnidirectional video” by Jang, Meuleman, Kang, Kim, Richardt, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Rückert_ADOP: approximate differentiable one-pixel point rendering

“ADOP: approximate differentiable one-pixel point rendering” by Rückert, Franke and Stamminger

2022 Technical Paper: She_Learning high-DOF reaching-and-grasping via dynamic representation of gripper-object interaction

“Learning high-DOF reaching-and-grasping via dynamic representation of gripper-object interaction” by She, Hu, Xu, Liu, Xu, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Wu_Scalable neural indoor scene rendering

“Scalable neural indoor scene rendering” by Wu, Xu, Zhu, Bao, Huang, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Won_Physics-based character controllers using conditional VAEs

“Physics-based character controllers using conditional VAEs” by Won, Gopinath and Hodgins

2022 Technical Paper: Yang_Learning to use chopsticks in diverse gripping styles

“Learning to use chopsticks in diverse gripping styles” by Yang, Yin and Liu

2022 Technical Paper: Jin_NeuralSound: learning-based modal sound synthesis with acoustic transfer

“NeuralSound: learning-based modal sound synthesis with acoustic transfer” by Jin, Li, Wang and Manocha

2022 Technical Paper: Li_NIMBLE: a non-rigid hand model with bones and muscles

“NIMBLE: a non-rigid hand model with bones and muscles” by Li, Zhang, Qiu, Jiang, Li, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Chu_Physics informed neural fields for smoke reconstruction with sparse data

“Physics informed neural fields for smoke reconstruction with sparse data” by Chu, Liu, Zheng, Frankz, Seidel, et al. …

2022 Technical Paper: Qu_The power particle-in-cell method

“The power particle-in-cell method” by Qu, Li, Goes and Jiang

2022 Technical Paper: Wretborn_Guided bubbles and wet foam for realistic whitewater simulation

“Guided bubbles and wet foam for realistic whitewater simulation” by Wretborn, Flynn and Stomakhin

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