“DEF: deep estimation of sharp geometric features in 3D shapes” by Matveev, Rakhimov, Artemov, Bobrovskikh, Egiazarian, et al. …
- DEF: deep estimation of sharp geometric features in 3D shapes
We propose Deep Estimators of Features (DEFs), a learning-based framework for predicting sharp geometric features in sampled 3D shapes. Differently from existing data-driven methods, which reduce this problem to feature classification, we propose to regress a scalar field representing the distance from point samples to the closest feature line on local patches. Our approach is the first that scales to massive point clouds by fusing distance-to-feature estimates obtained on individual patches.We extensively evaluate our approach against related state-of-the-art methods on newly proposed synthetic and real-world 3D CAD model benchmarks. Our approach not only outperforms these (with improvements in Recall and False Positives Rates), but generalizes to real-world scans after training our model on synthetic data and fine-tuning it on a small dataset of scanned data.We demonstrate a downstream application, where we reconstruct an explicit representation of straight and curved sharp feature lines from range scan data.We make code, pre-trained models, and our training and evaluation datasets available at https://github.com/artonson/def.
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