2023 Technical Papers: Chandra_Acting as Inverse Inverse Planning

“Acting as Inverse Inverse Planning” by Chandra, Li, Tenenbaum and Ragan-Kelley

2023 Technical Papers: Zhu_A Realistic Surface-based Cloth Rendering Model

“A Realistic Surface-based Cloth Rendering Model” by Zhu, Jarabo, Aliaga, Yan and Chiang

2023 Technical Papers: Tongbuasirilai_A Sparse Non-parametric BRDF Model

“A Sparse Non-parametric BRDF Model” by Tongbuasirilai, Unger, Guillemot and Miandji

2023 Technical Papers: Xia_A Practical Wave Optics Reflection Model for Hair and Fur

“A Practical Wave Optics Reflection Model for Hair and Fur” by Xia, Walter, Hery, Maury, Michielssen, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Smith_A Method for Animating Children’s Drawings of the Human Figure

“A Method for Animating Children’s Drawings of the Human Figure” by Smith, Zheng, Li, Jain and Hodgins

2023 Technical Papers: Wiersma_A Fast Geometric Multigrid Method for Curved Surfaces

“A Fast Geometric Multigrid Method for Curved Surfaces” by Wiersma, Nasikun, Eisemann and Hildebrandt

2023 Technical Papers: Edelstein_A Convex Optimization Framework for Regularized Geodesic Distances

“A Convex Optimization Framework for Regularized Geodesic Distances” by Edelstein, Guillen, Solomon and Ben-Chen

2023 Technical Papers: Lee_Bidirectional GaitNet: A Bidirectional Prediction Model of Human Gait and Anatomical Conditions

“Bidirectional GaitNet: A Bidirectional Prediction Model of Human Gait and Anatomical Conditions” by Lee, Park, Park and Won

2023 Technical Papers: Huang_ArrangementNet: Learning Scene Arrangements for Vectorized Indoor Scene Modeling

“ArrangementNet: Learning Scene Arrangements for Vectorized Indoor Scene Modeling” by Huang, Zhang, Duan, Zhang, Guo, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Huang_AniFaceDrawing: Anime Portrait Exploration During Your Sketching

“AniFaceDrawing: Anime Portrait Exploration During Your Sketching” by Huang, Xie, Fukusato and Miyata

2023 Technical Papers: Lee_Anatomically Detailed Simulation of Human Torso

“Anatomically Detailed Simulation of Human Torso” by Lee, Jiang and Liu

2023 Technical Papers: Lakshmipathy_Contact Edit: Artist Tools for Intuitive Modeling of Hand-object Interactions

“Contact Edit: Artist Tools for Intuitive Modeling of Hand-object Interactions” by Lakshmipathy, Feng, Lee, Mahler and Pollard

2023 Technical Papers: Tabellion_Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography

“Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography” by Tabellion, Karnad, Glaser, Weiss, Jacobs, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Vidulis_Computational Exploration of Multistable Elastic Knots

“Computational Exploration of Multistable Elastic Knots” by Vidulis, Ren, Panetta, Grinspun and Pauly

2023 Technical Papers: Chen_Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution

“Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution” by Chen, Kaufman, Skouras and Vouga

2023 Technical Papers: Pang_Bodyformer: Semantics-guided 3D Body Gesture Synthesis With Transformer

“Bodyformer: Semantics-guided 3D Body Gesture Synthesis With Transformer” by Pang, Qin, Fan, Habekost, Shiratori, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Tong_Differentiable Heightfield Path Tracing With Accelerated Discontinuities

“Differentiable Heightfield Path Tracing With Accelerated Discontinuities” by Tong, Liu, Gingold and Jacobson

2023 Technical Papers: Firmino_Denoising-aware Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing

“Denoising-aware Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing” by Firmino, Frisvad and Jensen

2023 Technical Papers: Bako_Deep Appearance Prefiltering

“Deep Appearance Prefiltering” by Bako, Sen and Kaplanyan

2023 Technical Papers: Liu_ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces

“ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces” by Bénard, Liu, Hertzmann and Hoshyari

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