2020 Technical Paper: YURICK_Robust Motion In betweening

“Robust Motion In-betweening” by Harvey, Yurick, Nowrouzezahrai and Pal

2020 Technical Paper: JAMES_Phong Deformation: A better C^0 interpolant for embedded deformation

“Phong deformation: a better C0 interpolant for embedded deformation” by James

2020 Technical Paper: CHU_Learning Temporal Coherence via Self-Supervision for GAN-based Video Generation

“Learning Temporal Coherence via Self-Supervision for GAN-basedVideo Generation” by Chu, Xie, Mayer, Leal-Taixé and Thuerey

2020 Technical Paper: CHEN_DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches

“DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches” by Chen, Su, Gao, Xia and Fu

2020 Technical Paper: TEXLER_Interactive Video Stylization Using Few-Shot Patch-Based Training

“Interactive Video Stylization Using Few-Shot Patch-Based Training” by Texler, Futschik, Kučera, Jamriška, Sochorová, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: KOTWAL_Interferometric Transmission Probing with Coded Mutual Intensity

“Interferometric Transmission Probing with Coded Mutual Intensity” by Kotwal, Levin and Gkioulekas

2020 Technical Paper: CUCERCA_Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating

“Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating” by Cucerca, Didyk, Seidel and Babaei

2020 Technical Paper: LUO_Consistent Video Depth Estimation

“Consistent Video Depth Estimation” by Luo, Huang, Szeliski, Matzen and Kopf

2020 Technical Paper: CHANG_Towards Occlusion-Aware Multifocal Displays

“Towards Occlusion-Aware Multifocal Displays” by Chang, Levin, Kumar and Sankaranarayanan

2020 Technical Paper: WANG_Attribute2Font: Creating Fonts You Want From Attributes

“Attribute2Font: Creating Fonts You Want From Attributes” by Wang, Gao and Lian

2020 Technical Paper: KOPF_One Shot 3D Photography

“High Resolution Étendue Expansion for Holographic Displays” by Kuo, Waller, Ng and Maimone

2020 Technical Paper: MAIMONE_Holographic Optics for Thin and Lightweight Virtual Reality

“Holographic Optics for Thin and Lightweight Virtual Reality” by Maimone and Wang

2020 Technical Paper: CHIU_Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High-DimensionalLatent Space

“Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High-DimensionalLatent Space” by Chiu, Koyama, Lai, Igarashi and Yue

2020 Technical Paper: YE_ARAnimator: In-situ Character Animation in Mobile AR with User-defined Motion Gestures

“ARAnimator: In-situ Character Animation in Mobile AR withUser-defined Motion Gestures” by Ye, Kwan, Su and Fu

2020 Technical Paper: LIU_HeadBlaster: A Wearable Approach to Simulating Motion Perceptionusing Head-mounted Air Propulsion Jets

“HeadBlaster: A Wearable Approach to Simulating Motion Perceptionusing Head-mounted Air Propulsion Jets” by Liu, Yen, Mao, Lin, Chandra, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: SANTOS_Single Image HDR Reconstruction Using a CNN with Masked Featuresand Perceptual Loss

“Single Image HDR Reconstruction Using a CNN with Masked Featuresand Perceptual Loss” by Santos, Ren and Kalantari

2020 Technical Paper: RIVIERE_Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture

“Single-Shot High-Quality Facial Geometry and Skin Appearance Capture” by Riviere, Gotardo, Bradley, Ghosh and Beeler

2020 Technical Paper: MEHTA_XNect: Real-time Multi Person 3D Motion Capture with a Single RGB Camera

“XNect: Real-time Multi-Person 3D Motion Capture with a Single RGBCamera” by Mehta, Sotnychenko, Mueller, Xu, Elgharib, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: DOMINICI_PolyFit: Perception Aligned Vectorization of Raster Clip-Art via Intermediate Polygonal Fitting

“PolyFit: Perception-Aligned Vectorization of Raster Clip-Art viaIntermediate Polygonal Fitting” by Dominici, Schertler, Griffin, Hoshyari, Sigal, et al. …

2020 Technical Paper: MA_Quanta Burst Photography

“Quanta Burst Photography” by Ma, Gupta, Ulku, Bruschini, Charbon, et al. …

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