“Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating” by Cucerca, Didyk, Seidel and Babaei

  • ©Sebastian Cucerca, Piotr Didyk, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Vahid Babaei




    Computational Image Marking on Metals via Laser Induced Heating

Session/Category Title:   Creative Fabrication



    Laser irradiation induces colors on some industrially important materials, such as stainless steel and titanium. It is however challenging to find marking configurations that create colorful, high-resolution images. The brute-force solution to the gamut exploration problem does not scale with the high-dimensional design space of laser marking. Moreover, there exists no color reproduction workflow capable of reproducing color images with laser marking. Here, we propose a measurement-based, data-driven performance space exploration of the color laser marking process. We formulate this exploration as a search for the Pareto optimal solutions to a multi-objective optimization and solve it using an evolutionary algorithm. The explored set of diverse colors is then utilized to mark high-quality, full-color images.

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