2021 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Path-Space Differentiable Rendering of Participating Media

“Path-space differentiable rendering of participating media” by Zhang, Yu and Zhao

2021 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Antithetic Sampling for Monte Carlo Differentiable Rendering

“Antithetic sampling for Monte Carlo differentiable rendering” by Zhang, Dong, Doggett and Zhao

2021 Technical Paper: ZELTNER_Monte Carlo Estimators for Differential Light Transport

“Monte Carlo estimators for differential light transport” by Zeltner, Speierer, Georgiev and Jakob

2021 Technical Paper: KASPAR_Knit Sketching: from Cut & Sew Patterns to Machine-Knit Garments

“Knit sketching: from cut & sew patterns to machine-knit garments” by Kaspar, Wu, Luo, Makatura and Matusik

2021 Technical Paper: JIA_SANM: A Symbolic Asymptotic Numerical Solver with Applications in Mesh Deformation

“SANM: a symbolic asymptotic numerical solver with applications in mesh deformation” by Jia

2021 Technical Paper: LIU_Surface Multigrid via Intrinsic Prolongation

“Surface multigrid via intrinsic prolongation” by Liu, Zhang, Ben-Chen and Jacobson

2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_Multiscale Cholesky Preconditioning for Ill-conditioned Problems

“Multiscale cholesky preconditioning for ill-conditioned problems” by Chen, Schäfer, Huang and Desbrun

2021 Technical Paper: ROMERO_Physical validation of simulators in Computer Graphics: A new framework dedicated to slender elastic structures and frictional contact

“Physical validation of simulators in computer graphics: a new framework dedicated to slender elastic structures and frictional contact” by Romero, Ly, Rasheed, Charrondière, Lazarus, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: Brown_WRAPD: Weighted Rotation aware ADMM for Parameterization and Deformation

“WRAPD: weighted rotation-aware ADMM for parameterization and deformation” by Brown and Narain

SIGGRAPH 2021 Image Not Available

“DeepFormableTag: end-to-end generation and recognition of deformable fiducial markers” by Yaldiz, Meuleman, Jang, Ha and Kim

2021 Technical Paper: SHIMADA_Neural Monocular 3D Human Motion Capture with Physical Awareness

“Neural monocular 3D human motion capture with physical awareness” by Shimada, Golyanik, Xu, Perez and Theobalt

2021 Technical Paper: SHEN_High-order Differentiable Autoencoder for Nonlinear Model Reduction

“High-order differentiable autoencoder for nonlinear model reduction” by Shen, Yang, Shao, Wang, Jiang, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_MoCap-Solver: A Neural Solver for Optical Motion Capture Data

“MoCap-solver: a neural solver for optical motion capture data” by Chen, Wang, Zhang, Xu, Zhang, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: TRUSTY_The Shape Matching Element Method: Direct Animation of Curved Surface Models

“The shape matching element method: direct animation of curved surface models” by Trusty, Chen and Levin

2021 Technical Paper: ADAMS_Fast Median Filters using Separable Sorting Networks

“Fast median filters using separable sorting networks” by Adams

2021 Technical Paper: Cao_Real-time 3D Neural Facial Animation from Binocular Video

“Real-time 3D neural facial animation from binocular video” by Cao, Agrawal, Torre, Chen, Saragih, et al. …

SIGGRAPH 2021 Image Not Available

“Learning an animatable detailed 3D face model from in-the-wild images” by Feng, Feng, Black and Bolkart

2021 Technical Paper: Bi_Deep Relightable Appearance Models for Animatable Faces

“Deep relightable appearance models for animatable faces” by Bi, Lombardi, Saito, Simon, Wei, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_DeepFaceEditing: Deep Face Generation and Editing with Disentangled Geometry and Appearance Control

“DeepFaceEditing: deep face generation and editing with disentangled geometry and appearance control” by Chen, Liu, Lai, Rosin, Li, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: YIN_Discovering Diverse Athletic Jumping Strategies

“Discovering diverse athletic jumping strategies” by Yin, Yang, Panne and Yin

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