“Physical validation of simulators in computer graphics: a new framework dedicated to slender elastic structures and frictional contact” by Romero, Ly, Rasheed, Charrondière, Lazarus, et al. …

  • ©Victor Romero, Mickaël Ly, Abdullah Haroon Rasheed, Raphaël Charrondière, Arnaud Lazarus, Sébastien Neukirch, and Florence Bertails-Descoubes




    Physical validation of simulators in computer graphics: a new framework dedicated to slender elastic structures and frictional contact



    We introduce a selected set of protocols inspired from the Soft Matter Physics community in order to validate Computer Graphics simulators of slender elastic structures possibly subject to dry frictional contact. Although these simulators were primarily intended for feature film animation and visual effects, they are more and more used as virtual design tools for predicting the shape and deformation of real objects; hence the need for a careful, quantitative validation. Our tests, experimentally verified, are designed to evaluate carefully the predictability of these simulators on various aspects, such as bending elasticity, bend-twist coupling, and frictional contact. We have passed a number of popular codes of Computer Graphics through our benchmarks by defining a rigorous, consistent, and as fair as possible methodology. Our results show that while some popular simulators for plates/shells and frictional contact fail even on the simplest scenarios, more recent ones, as well as well-known codes for rods, generally perform well and sometimes even better than some reference commercial tools of Mechanical Engineering. To make our validation protocols easily applicable to any simulator, we provide an extensive description of our methodology, and we shall distribute all the necessary model data to be compared against.


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