2019 Technical Paper: PEDIREDLA_Ellipsoidal Path Connections for Time-Gated Rendering

“Ellipsoidal path connections for time-gated rendering” by Pediredla, Veeraraghavan and Gkioulekas

2018 Technical Paper: DESCHAINTRE_Single-Image SVBRDF Capture with a Rendering-Aware Deep Network

“Single-image SVBRDF capture with a rendering-aware deep network” by Deschaintre, Aittala, Durand, Drettakis and Bousseau

2019 Technical Paper: KONDAPANENI_Optimal Multiple Importance Sampling

“Optimal multiple importance sampling” by Kondapaneni, Vévoda, Grittmann, Skrivan, Slusallek, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: TOKUYOSHI_Hierarchical Russian Roulette for Vertex Connections

“Hierarchical russian roulette for vertex connections” by Tokuyoshi and Harada

2019 Technical Paper: PREINER_Gaussian-Product Subdivision Surfaces

“Gaussian-product subdivision surfaces” by Preiner, Boubekeur and Wimmer

2019 Technical Paper: VEKHTER_Weaving Geodesic Foliations

“Weaving geodesic foliations” by Vekhter, Zhuo, Fandino, Huang and Vouga

2019 Technical Paper: LIU_Atlas Refinement with Bounded Packing Efficiency

“Atlas refinement with bounded packing efficiency” by Liu, Fu, Ye, Chai and Liu

2019 Technical Paper: SHEN_Progressive Embedding

“Progressive embedding” by Shen, Jiang, Zorin and Panozzo

2018 Technical Paper: MARTÍNEZ_Polyhedral Voronoi diagrams for additive manufacturing

“Polyhedral voronoi diagrams for additive manufacturing” by Martínez, Hornus, Song and Lefebvre

2019 Technical Paper: PELLIS_Visual Smoothness of Polyhedral Surfaces

“Visual smoothness of polyhedral surfaces” by Pellis, Kilian, Dellinger, Wallner and Pottmann

2019 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Synthetic Defocus and Look-Ahead Autofocus for Casual Videography

“Synthetic defocus and look-ahead autofocus for casual videography” by Zhang, Matzen, Nguyen, Yao, Zhang, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: MILDENHALL_Local Light Field Fusion: Practical View Synthesis with Prescriptive Sampling Guidelines

“Local light field fusion: practical view synthesis with prescriptive sampling guidelines” by Mildenhall, Srinivasan, Ortiz-Cayon, Kalantari, Ramamoorthi, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: WU_Stitch Meshing

“Stitch meshing” by Wu, Gao, Ferguson, Panozzo and Yuksel

2019 Technical Paper: WRONSKI_Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution

“Handheld multi-frame super-resolution” by Wronski, Garcia-Dorado, Ernst, Kelly, Krainin, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: TSENG_Hyperparameter Optimization in Black-box Image Processing using Differentiable Proxies

“Hyperparameter optimization in black-box image processing using differentiable proxies” by Tseng, Yu, Yang, Mannan, Arnaud, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: SCHULZ_Interactive Exploration of Design Trade-Offs

“Interactive exploration of design trade-offs” by Schulz, Wang, Grinspun, Solomon and Matusik

2019 Technical Paper: WU_Accurate Appearance Preserving Prefiltering for Rendering Displacement-Mapped Surfaces

“Accurate appearance preserving prefiltering for rendering displacement-mapped surfaces” by Wu, Zhao, Yan and Ramamoorthi

2019 Technical Paper: PETERS_Using Moments to Represent Bounded Signals for Spectral Rendering

“Using moments to represent bounded signals for spectral rendering” by Peters, Merzbach, Hanika and Dachsbacher

2019 Technical Paper: LAGUNAS_A Similarity Measure for Material Appearance

“A similarity measure for material appearance” by Lagunas, Malpica, Serrano, Garces, Gutierrez, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: PENG_Autocomplete 3D Sculpting

“Autocomplete 3D sculpting” by Peng, Xing and Wei

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