1990 Technical Paper: Loop_Generalized B-spline Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology

“Generalized B-spline surfaces of arbitrary topology” by Loop and DeRose

1990 Technical Paper: Watt_Light-Water Interaction using Backward Beam Tracing

“Light-water interaction using backward beam tracing” by Watt

1990 Technical Paper: Nakamae_A Lighting Model Aiming at Drive Simulators

“A lighting model aiming at drive simulators” by Nakamae, Kaneda, Okamoto and Nishita

1990 Technical Paper: Miyata_A Method of Generating Stone Wall Patterns

“A method of generating stone wall patterns” by Miyata

1990 Technical Paper: Sims_Particle Animation and RenderingUsing Data Parallel Computation

“Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation” by Sims

2021 Technical Paper: PANETTA_Computational Inverse Design of Surface-based Inflatables

“Computational inverse design of surface-based inflatables” by Panetta, Isvoranu, Chen, Siéfert, Roman, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: ZHANG_Modeling and Fabrication with Specified Discrete Equivalence Classes

“Modeling and fabrication with specified discrete equivalence classes” by Liu, Zhang, Zhang, Ye, Liu, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: JIANG_Using isometries for computational design and fabrication

“Using isometries for computational design and fabrication” by Jiang, Wang, Inza, Dellinger, Rist, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: PANDEY_Total Relighting: Learning to Relight Portraits for Background Replacement

“Total relighting: learning to relight portraits for background replacement”

2021 Technical Paper: ALALUF_Only a Matter of Style: Age Transformation Using a Style-Based Regression Model

“Only a matter of style: age transformation using a style-based regression model” by Alaluf, Patashnik and Cohen-Or

2021 Technical Paper: ZHU_Hierarchical Neural Reconstruction for Path Guiding Using Hybrid Path and Photon Samples

“Hierarchical neural reconstruction for path guiding using hybrid path and photon samples” by Zhu, Xu, Sun, Kuznetsov, Meyer, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: MÜLLER_Real-time Neural Radiance Caching for Path Tracing

“Real-time neural radiance caching for path tracing” by Müller, Rousselle, Novák and Keller

2021 Technical Paper: IŞIK_Interactive Monte Carlo Denoising using Affinity of Neural Features

“Interactive Monte Carlo denoising using affinity of neural features” by Işık, Mullia, Fisher, Eisenmann and Gharbi

2021 Technical Paper: CHO_Weakly-Supervised Contrastive Learning in Path Manifold for Monte Carlo Image Reconstruction

“Weakly-supervised contrastive learning in path manifold for Monte Carlo image reconstruction” by Cho, Huo and Yoon

2021 Technical Paper: CHEN_Bistable Auxetic Surface Structures

“Bistable auxetic surface structures” by Chen, Panetta, Schnaubelt and Pauly

2021 Technical Paper: TEWARI_PhotoApp: Photorealistic Appearance Editing of Head Portraits

“PhotoApp: photorealistic appearance editing of head portraits” by R., Tewari, Dib, Weyrich, Bickel, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: WU_Coarse-to-Fine: Facial Structure Editing of Portrait Images via Latent Space Classifications

“Coarse-to-fine: facial structure editing of portrait images via latent space classifications” by Wu, Yang, Xiao and Jin

2021 Technical Paper: KRAJANCICH_A Perceptual Model for Eccentricity-dependent Spatio-temporal Flicker Fusion and its Applications to Foveated Graphics

“A perceptual model for eccentricity-dependent spatio-temporal flicker fusion and its applications to foveated graphics” by Krajancich, Kellnhofer and Wetzstein

2021 Technical Paper: WALTON_Beyond Blur: Real-time Ventral Metamers for Foveated Rendering

“Beyond blur: real-time ventral metamers for foveated rendering” by Walton, Dos Anjos, Friston, Swapp, Akşit, et al. …

2021 Technical Paper: MANTIUK_FovVideoVDP: A visible difference predictor for wide field-of-view video

“FovVideoVDP: a visible difference predictor for wide field-of-view video” by Mantiuk, Denes, Chapiro, Kaplayan, Rufo, et al. …

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