2006 Technical Paper: Wonka_Guided Visibility Sampling

“Guided visibility sampling” by Wonka, Wimmer, Zhou, Maierhofer, Hesina, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Dunbar_A Spatial Data Structure for Fast Poisson-Disk Sample Generation

“A spatial data structure for fast Poisson-disk sample generation” by Dunbar and Humphreys

2006 Technical Paper: Kopf_Recursive Wang Tiles for Real-Time Blue Noise

“Recursive Wang tiles for real-time blue noise” by Kopf, Cohen-Or, Deussen and Lischinski

2006 Technical Paper: Weiss_Fast Median and Bilateral Filtering

“Fast median and bilateral filtering” by Weiss

2006 Technical Paper: Loop_Real-Time GPU Rendering of Piecewise Algebraic Surfaces

“Real-time GPU rendering of piecewise algebraic surfaces” by Loop and Blinn

2006 Technical Paper: Khan_Image-Based Material Editing

“Image-based material editing” by Khan, Reinhard, Fleming and Bülthoff

2006 Technical Paper: Lischinski_Interactive Local Adjustment of Tonal Values

“Interactive local adjustment of tonal values” by Lischinski, Farbman, Uyttendaele and Szeliski

2006 Technical Paper: Bae_Two-scale Tone Management for Photographic Look

“Two-scale tone management for photographic look” by Bae, Paris and Durand

2006 Technical Paper: Jia_Drag-and-Drop Pasting

“Drag-and-drop pasting” by Jia, Sun, Tang and Shum

2006 Technical Paper: Muller_Procedural Modeling of Buildings

“Procedural modeling of buildings” by Müller, Wonka, Haegler, Ulmer and Gool

2006 Technical Paper: Schmidt_Interactive Decal Compositing with Discrete Exponential Maps

“Interactive decal compositing with discrete exponential maps” by Schmidt, Grimm and Wyvill

2006 Technical Paper: Quan_Image-based Plant Modeling

“Image-based plant modeling” by Quan, Tan, Zeng, Yuan, Wang, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Karpenko_SmoothSketch: 3D free-form shapes from complex sketches

“SmoothSketch: 3D free-form shapes from complex sketches” by Karpenko and Hughes

2006 Technical Paper: Lawrence_Inverse Shade Trees for Non-Parametric Material Representation and Editing

“Inverse shade trees for non-parametric material representation and editing” by Lawrence, Ben-Artzi, DeCoro, Matusik, Pfister, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Adamson_Point-Sampled Cell Complexes

“Point-sampled cell complexes” by Adamson and Alexa

2006 Technical Paper: Liu_Geometric Modeling with Conical Meshes and Developable Surfaces

“Geometric modeling with conical meshes and developable surfaces” by Liu, Pottmann, Wallner, Yang and Wang

2006 Technical Paper: Wang_Appearance Manifolds for Modeling Time-Variant Appearance of Materials

“Appearance manifolds for modeling time-variant appearance of materials” by Wang, Tong, Lin, Pan, Wang, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Peers_A Compact Factored Representation of Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering

“A compact factored representation of heterogeneous subsurface scattering” by Peers, Berge, Matusik, Ramamoorthi, Lawrence, et al. …

2006 Technical Paper: Blythe_The Direct3D 10 System

“The Direct3D 10 system” by Blythe

2006 Technical Paper: Mantiuk_Backward Compatible High Dynamic Range MPEG Video Compression

“Backward compatible high dynamic range MPEG video compression” by Mantiuk, Efremov, Myszkowski and Seidel

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