“Procedural modeling of buildings” by Müller, Wonka, Haegler, Ulmer and Gool

  • ©Pascal Müller, Peter Wonka, Simon Haegler, Andreas Ulmer, and Luc Van Gool




    Procedural modeling of buildings



    CGA shape, a novel shape grammar for the procedural modeling of CG architecture, produces building shells with high visual quality and geometric detail. It produces extensive architectural models for computer games and movies, at low cost. Context sensitive shape rules allow the user to specify interactions between the entities of the hierarchical shape descriptions. Selected examples demonstrate solutions to previously unsolved modeling problems, especially to consistent mass modeling with volumetric shapes of arbitrary orientation. CGA shape is shown to efficiently generate massive urban models with unprecedented level of detail, with the virtual rebuilding of the archaeological site of Pompeii as a case in point.


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