2007 Talks: Bailey_Subtle Gaze Direction

“Subtle gaze direction” by Bailey, McNamara, Sudarsanam and Grimm

2007 Talks: Shah_Fast, Soft Reflections Using Radiance Caches

“Fast, soft reflections using radiance caches” by Shah, Ritter, King and Gronsky

2007 Talks: Ryu_500 Million and Counting: Hair Rendering on Ratatouille

“500 million and counting: hair rendering on Ratatouille” by Ryu

2007 Talks: Konishi_Articulating The Appeal

“Articulating the appeal” by Konishi and Venturini

2007 Talks: Waggoner_Virtual Tailoring for Ratatouille: Clothing the Fattest Man in the World

“Virtual tailoring for Ratatouille: clothing the fattest man in the world” by Waggoner and Baraff

2007 Talks: Coleman_Chop It Up! Animation–Driven Modeling, Simulation, and Shading in the Kitchen

“Chop it up!: animation–driven modeling, simulation, and shading in the kitchen” by Coleman and Froemling

2007 Talks: Correa_Visualizing Collision Effects between Penetrating and Non-Penetrating Objects

“Visualizing collision effects between penetrating and non-penetrating objects” by Correa and Silver

2007 Talks: Yasuda_Motion Belts

“Motion belts” by Yasuda, Kaihara, Saito and Nakajima

2007 Talks: Yue_Global Illumination using Precomputed Light Paths for Interactive Light Condition Manipulation

“Global illumination using precomputed light paths for interactive light condition manipulation” by Yue, Iwasaki, Dobashi and Nishita

2007 Talks: Obert_Interactive Light Transport Editing for Flexible Global Illumination

“Interactive light transport editing for flexible global illumination” by Obert, Křivánek, Sýkora and Pattanaik

2007 Talks: Jarosz_Radiance Caching for Participating Media

“Radiance caching for participating media” by Jarosz, Donner, Zwicker and Jensen

2007 Talks: Yoon_Ray Tracing Dynamic Scenes using Selective Restructuring

“Ray tracing dynamic scenes using selective restructuring” by Yoon, Curtis and Manocha

2007 Talks: Ziegler_GPU-based light wavefront simulation for real-time refractive object rendering

“GPU-based light wavefront simulation for real-time refractive object rendering” by Ziegler, Theobalt, Ihrke, Magnor, Tevs, et al. …

2007 Talks: Harvill_Effective Toon-Style Rendering Control Using Scalar Fields

“Effective toon-style rendering control using scalar fields” by Harvill

2007 Talks: Cameron_Acting with Contact in Ratatouille - Cartoon Collision and Response

“Acting with contact in Ratatouille: cartoon collision and response” by Cameron, Russ and Woodbury

2007 Talks: Orvalho_Fast and Reusable Facial Rigging and Animation

“Fast and reusable facial rigging and animation” by Orvalho and Susin

2007 Talks: Okabe_Light Shower: A Poor Man's Light Stage Built with an Off-the-shelf Umbrella and Projector

“Light shower: a poor man’s light stage built with an off-the-shelf umbrella and projector” by Okabe, Takayama, Ijiri and Igarashi

2007 Talks: Ma_A system for High-Resolution Face Scanning Based on Polarized Spherical Illumination

“A system for high-resolution face scanning based on polarized spherical illumination” by Ma, Hawkins, Chabert, Bolas, Peers, et al. …

2007 Talks: Nataneli_Sketching Facial Expressions

“Sketching facial expressions” by Nataneli and Faloutsos

2007 Talks: Guillaume Franc ̧ois_Anatomically Accurate Modeling and Rendering of the Human Eye

“Anatomically accurate modeling and rendering of the human eye” by Francois, Gautron, Breton and Bouatouch

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