“Interactive light transport editing for flexible global illumination” by Obert, Křivánek, Sýkora and Pattanaik

  • ©Juraj Obert, Jaroslav Křivánek, Daniel Sýkora, and Sumanta N. Pattanaik




    Interactive light transport editing for flexible global illumination

Session/Category Title:   Traveling Light



    The limited flexibility imposed by the physics of light transport has been a major hurdle in the use of global illumination in production rendering. It has been a common practice in computer cinematography to write custom shaders [Christensen 2003] or manually edit rendered images [Thacker 2006] to achieve lighting effects desired by directors. This process is lengthy, cumbersome and too technical for artists. To remove this hurdle, we propose a novel interface that allows users to modify light transport in a scene. Users can adjust effects of indirect lighting cast by one object onto another or paint indirect illumination on surfaces. As opposed to previous approaches such as [Schoeneman et al. 1993] our work departs from solving optimization problems in favor of more user control.


    1. Christensen, P. 2003. Global illumination and all that. In ACM SIGGRAPH Course 9 (RenderMan, Theory and Practice).
    2. Hašan, M., Pellacini, F., and Bala, K. 2006. Direct-to-indirect transfer for cinematic relighting. ACM Transaction on Graphics 25, 3, 1089–1097.
    3. Schoeneman, C., Dorsey, J., Smits, B., Arvo, J., and Greenberg, D. 1993. Painting with light. In SIGGRAPH’93 Proceedings, 143–146.
    4. Thacker, J. 2006. How can I take my renders to the next level of realism? 3D Worlds (June).

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