2001 Talks: Herman_Imaging the Living Computer: Neuroscience Methods in Visualizing the Performance of Parallel Programs

“Imaging the Living Computer: Neuroscience Methods in Visualizing the Performance of Parallel Programs” by Herman

2001 Talks: Chopra_Immersive Visualization of a Very-Large-Scale Seismic Model

“Immersive Visualization of a Very-Large-Scale Seismic Model” by Chopra, Meyer and Stokes

2001 Talks: Matsumiya_Interactive Virtual Clay Using Implicit Surfaces and Particle Systems

“Interactive Virtual Clay Using Implicit Surfaces and Particle Systems” by Matsumiya, Yokoya and Takemura

2001 Talks: Fukatsu_Intuitive Multiple Viewpoints Control using Interlocked Motion of Coordinate Pairs

“Intuitive Multiple Viewpoints Control using Interlocked Motion of Coordinate Pairs” by Fukatsu, Kitamura, Masaki and Kishino

2001 Talks: Bartz_k-DOPs as Tighter Bounding Volumes for Better Occlusion Performance

“k-DOPs as Tighter Bounding Volumes for Better Occlusion Performance” by Bartz, Staneker and Klosowski

2001 Talks: Low_Life-Sized Projector-Based Dioramas: Spatially Real and Visually Virtual

“Life-Sized Projector-Based Dioramas: Spatially Real and Visually Virtual” by Low, Welch, Lastra and Fuchs

2001 Talks: Lewis_Lifting Detail from Darkness

“Lifting Detail from Darkness” by Lewis

2001 Talks: Stoev_Manipulate the Unreachable: Through-The-Lens Remote Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments

“Manipulate the Unreachable: Through-The-Lens Remote Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments” by Stoev, Schmalstieg and Strasser

2001 Talks: Tong_Locally Reparameterized Light Fields

“Locally Reparameterized Light Fields” by Tong, Shum, Feng, Kang and Szeliski

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Linux for the Production Pipeline” by Wike

2001 Talks: Nayar_Lighting-Sensitive Displays

“Lighting-Sensitive Displays” by Nayar, Belhumeur and Boult

2001 Talks: Hawkins_Light Stage 2.0

“Light Stage 2.0” by Hawkins, Cohen, Tchou and Debevec

2001 Talks: Kim_Light Field Rendering with Triangular Viewpoint Mesh

“Light Field Rendering with Triangular Viewpoint Mesh” by Kim and Hahn

2001 Talks: Ogata_Multi-Modal Translation System by Using Automatic Facial Image Tracking and ModelBased Lip Synchronization

“Multi-Modal Translation System by Using Automatic Facial Image Tracking and Model-Based Lip Synchronization” by Ogata, Misawa, Murai, Nakamura and Morishima

2001 Talks: Dobashi_Modeling and Dynamics of Clouds Using a Coupled Map Lattice

“Modeling and Dynamics of Clouds Using a Coupled Map Lattice” by Dobashi, Nishtia, Miyazaki and Yoshida

2001 Talks: Hoshino_Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Human Body Images

“Model-Based Analysis and Synthesis of Human Body Images” by Hoshino

2001 Talks: Saito_Micro Archiving

“Micro Archiving” by Saito

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Mayhem: A New Trend for Virtual Environments (and Online Games)” by Oliveira, Crowcroft and Slater

2001 Talks: Attene_Mapping-Independent Triangulation of Parametric Surfaces

“Mapping-Independent Triangulation of Parametric Surfaces” by Attene and Wyvill

2001 Talks: Genz_Occlusion Culling and Summed-Area Tables

“Occlusion Culling and Summed-Area Tables” by Genz

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